Monday, March 1, 2010


Woooow it's been a looooooooooong time since I posted something up here :P I finally got off meh lazy butt and here I am!! Well anyways Happy (very late) New Year!! XD it's 2010 yet I still find myself writing 2009 *smacks self* silly girl. Lol oh well. Uhhmm I really dunno what to write on here now... the problem I had that I talked about in my previous post is all resolved and yeaaah.... I got a drawing tablet for Christmas and I'm putting it to good use XP Ahh I dunno why but I just remembered I have to change meh calender cause it's March now!! My calender is freaking awesome cause it's a Naruto calender :D Naruto is a manga and an anime for those of you who don't know. Manga is like Japanese comics that you read opposite of how we read and anime is the animated/cartoon version of manga. Cool stuff. I'm a narutard XD that's someone who's obsessed with Naruto ^_^ I have a calender as previously mentioned, a plushie of Kakashi, a hidden leaf village headband (Itachi's with the slash through it) a wall scroll (it's like a huge poster only bigger and more scroll-ish), I have a wig (Sakura's), the manga of one of the movies (Land of Snow), and a dark Sakura cosplay that I came up by myself (I made it and put it together myself too :P), that's all but I plan on cosplaying (dressing up as) Naruto, he's the main character (duuuuh). I wanna cosplay him in his genin outfit the one that's primarily orange XD. When I buy the costume (totally not making this, I'm like terrified of sewing machines, I always think I'm gonna sew my finger or something) I'll probably take some pictures and maybe I'll post 'em up :D Going completely off topic here is a great place to listen to music that you like :) I'm on there right now listening to Contact by Falling Up. Good stuff. Wow... I just noticed how many parenthesis's I have up there XD oh well. This is actually a pretty big post compared to most of mine :P. Does anyone (if anyone reads this...) have a Fanfiction acc.? or maybe youtube, or deviantart? Any one?? Oh well just leave a comment but I seriously doubt anyone reads this *shrugs* meh whatever. Okay well that's all for today... and probably the next few months unless something exciting pops up... yeah not likely.

P.S. Idk what's up with the Kanji up there ^ in the title..
P.P.S Nevermind it went away :P

::Request:: Please pray for my friend Jess, she has a cyst on her brain and the doctors don't know if they can remove it :( she's missed so much school last semester that she is taking online classes now so my friends and I all miss her dearly.

Signing out